Policy & Procedures (Credit River Capitals)

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Social Media & Digital Devices


Helmet Policy


Video Review

CRC will not be reviewing any videos in relation to player suspensions. 
OMHA does have a Video Policy www.omha.net/manualofoperations

Dressing Room Policy


Bad Weather

CRC uses the following procedure in the event of bad weather impacting hockey schedules.  When will a game be cancelled?  Safety is always a priority.

The ice scheduler will cancel games (or a practice) under the following circumstances

  • the arena is closed
  • roads to the arena are closed
  • the other team has contacted the ice scheduler to say they aren't coming for safety concerns

The association is not in a position to make the call on whether or not a game should be cancelled because it is not safe to drive - each individual, and by extension each team, needs to take responsibility for making that call themselves. 

The ice scheduler will reach out to the contact at the other teams center to find out information about conditions at their end to pass on to coaches, but the association does not have additional insight into conditions than anyone else does, and more specifically are not in a position to be able to make the decision about whether or not your team should drive to your game.

Tools that can be used in making that decision include the MTO road conditions


and https://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca

If a team decides they want to cancel a game because they feel it is not safe to drive, then the association is never going to override that decision. With that in mind, we would encourage that you are making sure the decision is based on safety and not just convenience.  Sometimes the only requirement given weather conditions is just to give yourself more time to get to your destination.

Again, while the decision to cancel or not go to a game should never be taken lightly, safety should always be a priority.  Bottom line, whether the association or the team cancels a game or not, it is the right and responsibility of each individual family to make decisions regarding their own safety.